Invest with intelligence.
Optimized investment portfolios designed to help you reach all of your goals, big and small.
Create better financial habits.
Personalized insights and guidance on how to revolutionize the way you think about money.
Features and Benefits
Advice from a CFP® professional.
Our CFP® pro has thousands of hours of experience, and is legally required to give you unbiased advice.
Intentional saving strategies.
Strike a balance between enjoying today's lifestyle while meeting tomorrow's financial goals.
Get on track. Stay on track.
Your financial goals are important. Let us help you get on track and stay on track.
Top-tier tech experience.
We only work with the best tech partners, helping us keep our fees low and our service level high.
We Offer
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Click below to schedule a 15 minute consultation.
Why Finwell?
Unbiased advice,
like it should be.
Finwell is a registered investment advisor, meaning any advice we give should be in your best interest.
We don't receive commissions, kick-backs, or sales-based bonuses for advising you. This allows us to have an open and transparent advisory relationship.

Finwell’s team is led by a highly credentialed and experienced industry professional with over 15 years of experience advising high net-worth individuals. She has an MBA, is a CFP® pro and was recently named Investment News 40 Under 40 for the Future of our Business.
Highly credentialed, educated,
and experienced advisors.​

While most wealth management firms require high minimum balances and complex fees, we don't.
We designed our pricing to be accessible and aligned with our high quality advice.
Fair, honest pricing.
Contact us
Schedule a 15 minute consultation here.
Main Office
709 Merritt Ave
Nashville, TN 37202
United States
Other Locations
Encino, CA
Finwell, Inc. is an Investment Adviser registered with the State of California, North Carolina and Tennessee. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. Finwell, Inc. cannot act on any requests to authorize, direct or effect the purchase or sale of any security, wire transfer, or to affect any other transactions verbally or in writing, unless Finwell, Inc. is hired as your investment advisor. Such requests, orders, or other instructions should be sent to and confirmed by your investment management firm. If Finwell is hired to be your investment advisor, please call your representative or email them directly for instructions to complete your request. We are unable to ensure email sent to you from us, or sent from you to us will be received. Please contact us at if there is any change in your financial situation, needs, goals or objectives. Additionally, we recommend you compare any account reports from Finwell, Inc. with the account statements from your Custodian, financial advisor or investment management company for accuracy and updated information. Our current disclosure brochure, Form ADV Part 2, is available for your review here. This disclosure brochure, or a summary of material changes made, is also provided to our clients on an annual basis.